C if for Character

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I hate how much character has been devalued in today's society. Call me old fashioned, but I'm a fan of chivalry and am sad when I see how women have shoved it away and men have stopped offering it. I mean, it's not that women can't take care of themselves; it's showing affection and kindness, and well... character. 

And it goes above just manners. It's the heart behind it. When manners are gone, it shows a lack of care for anyone other than self. The every-day things mean so much. 

But if they're gone... where is kindness and love? True love for others just can't exist if you won't lay yourself down and put other people first.  And love should be producing character. 

Simply put, life without love sucks. For everyone. 



  1. Unknown said...:

    Faith. Hope. Love. But the greatest of these is love.

  1. MickeyBurns said...:

    I love that verse:)

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