F is for Fair

Saturday, April 6, 2013

"But it's not fair!!!" 

How many times have we all said this line? Probably more times than we could ever count. I know that, in my life, it's easy to see how I'm getting screwed over. Because there are situations where I actually am. 

But I can also see places where I have been given something I didn't deserve/earn. My new bed. The food I eat freely. The car rides to all of my various events. The summer camp I get to go to. The classes I take. 

Is it "fair" that I get those things? Well... no. We, as human beings, have a natural tendency to look at the negatives. But, when something isn't "fair", remember the things that you didn't deserve, yet were given to you anyway. Suddenly your issue isn't as big of a deal, or is at least easier to tolerate. 



  1. Catch My Words said...:

    As an American, life certainly isn't fair . . . for third world countries, that is. Great post!


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